News coverage, Articles & Monograhs
1- Publications - News Coverage
Caroline Lewis, "They're Back in the City and Like It", in Chicago Dalily Tribune, October 1, 1961.
Suzanne Avery, "Cleveland Avenue Building is the Key to Plan", in Chicago Daily Tribune, Août, 1961.
Suzanne Avery, "Private Funds Start Lincoln Park Urban Renewal", in Chicago Daily Tribune, 16 Juin, 1960.
Ruth Moore, "Library of the Future - 16 Million Books on Microfilm", in Chicago Sun-Times, 14 Mars, 1963.
2- Publications - Articles
Robert K. Adams, "Microfilm Library", in Architectural Design, Septembre, 1963.
Robert K. Adams,"Reference Library", in Arts & Architecture, Mai 1963, pp. 24-25, 32.
Robert K. Adams, "A Central Public Regerence Library", in Quarterly Column, N°9, Janvier 1964, pp. 51-58. [en anglais & japonais]
Robert K. Adams,"Prestressed Vierendeel Truss", in Quarterly Column, N°9, Janvier, 1964, pp. 51-58.
Robert K. Adams,"An Industrialized Building Project", in Quarterly Column, N°10, Avril, 1964.​
Robert K. Adams,“The Sana'a Urban Development Society: The Cast of Yemen”. In Development and Urban Metamorphosis; Volume 1: Yemen at the Cross-Roads, edited by Ahmet Evin. Singapore: Concept Media/Aga Khan Award for Architecture, 1983. pp. 39-46.
3- Travaux et rapports scientifiques - Monographs
Report to the Public Building Commission of Chicago by the Noard of Commissioners of Cook County, Illinois, concerning new juvenile court and detention facilities, Wicklander Printing Company of Chicago, Illinois, Juin 1968.
, A pilot study of micro-space behavior, Educational Facilities Laboratories and the University of Illinois, October 15, 1966.
Algérie: La normalisation des Cités universitaires, UNESCO Document, N°3069/RMO.RD:EP, Paris, France, Août 1974.
Handbook for the Programming and Design of Teacher Training Colleges, UNESCO Document, N°EP00530, Department of Planning and Financing of Education, 1er décembre 1974.